Saturday, March 14, 2009

Its a Matter of Circumstance

What are some of the circumstances that always end up in polypharmacy? Is there any way that the public can be educated on how to avoid it? If yes, where do we start?

Disease and sickness always deplete people from healthy lives. With different drugs on the market, people turn to use any drug that is said to cure the disease they may have, especially people with chronic illnesses who are always in pain. They use those drugs in any way, forgetting about drug-drug interactions and its side effects. Community and neighborhood meetings must be organized by the health department to educate the public about dangers of polypharmacy.


  1. The media can be an effective tool to educate the public on how to choose drugs. The adverse effects on polypharmacy cannot be avoided. Once the harm is done, it is drug that will be used which will worsen the problem.

  2. I think it can be solved by a good communication between a doctor, the patient and the pharmacist. The patient needs to ask the doctor about the side-effects of any prescription given to him or her. Also, the pharmacist can also tell customers about the dangers of their prescriptions, since some of the descriptions or are so tiny and hard to read.

  3. Polypharmacy is a big issue in our society! it really effects a lot of people and their health because of all the interactions that they have on eachother.

  4. I believe common illnesses such as the colds, or hypersensitivity reactions are the main source of polypharmacy.

    The media plays a big role in promoting polypharmacy. A reversal could be made here; health organizations or awareness groups could utilize the media in order to properly inform the general public about polypharmacy and the dangers that come with it. Fight fire with fire.

  5. I completely agree with Nana. This would definitely help. I'm not sure how many people would be reached by community meetings by the heath department. I think media would be a much better use as brian said.
